বুধবার, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৮:১৬ অপরাহ্ন

22nd int’l qirat conf held in Ctg

আউটলুক বাংলা রিপোর্ট
  • প্রকাশের সময়: রবিবার, ২২ জানুয়ারী, ২০২৩ ১২:০৭ pm
Quran কোরআন কুরআন তিলাওয়াত আন্তর্জাতিক কেরাত ক্বিরাত সম্মেলন Hafez Saleh Ahmad Takreem হাফেজ সালেহ আহমাদ তাকরিম International Qirat conference in the capital Dhaka
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The Holy Quran recited by world famous ulemas won the hearts and minds of thousands attending the event

The 22nd International Qirat Conference was successfully held at Jamiatul Falah National Mosque in Chattogram on Saturday, where several world-renowned ulemas recited the Holy Quran.

Starting at 3pm, the programme was continued till 10pm where thousands of devotees were impressed by the recitation of the Holy Quran by world famous ulemas.

In the conference, Qari Sheikh Mahmood Kamal Najjar of Egypt, Ahmad Abul Qasemi of Iran, Qari Noman Pimbayabaya from Philippine, Qari Anwarul Hasan Bukhari of Pakistan and Qari Sheikh Ahmad bin Yusuf Al-Zahari of Bangladesh performed Talwat.

The Shahadat e Karbala Mahfil Board organised the conference under the sponsorships of PHP Family. Anjuman-e-Rahmania Ahmadiyya Sunni Trust and the Gausia Committee Bangladesh also joined hands to make the conference a success.

The programme was presided over by Sufi Mohamed Mizanur Rahman, chief sponsor and chairman of the Shahadat-e-Karbala Mahfil Board of Directors, and also the chairman of PHP Family.

Deputy Minister for Education Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel was present at the programme as the chief guest.

The deputy minister said at the event, “This conference has gained great popularity in the port city. People of different regions from both home and abroad attend the conference to hear the recitation of the Holy Qur’an year after year. These events are a part of Islamic culture.”

Referring to Quran recitation as a unique feature of Islamic culture, he said that it will be kept in the syllabus to acquaint students with such Islamic culture.

Anjuman-e-Rahmania Ahmadiyya Sunni Trust Secretary General Prof Anwar Hossain, Gausia Committee Bangladesh Chairman Alhaj Payar Mohammad Commissioner, former chairman of Chittagong Development Authority Abdus Salam, Director of Islami Foundation Chittagong Abul Ahsan Md Borhan Uddin, PHP Family Director Alhaj Ali Hussain Sohag , Jamiatul Falah Mosque Khatib Maulana Syed Abu Taleb Muhammad Alauddin, Khurshidur Rahman, Anwarul Haque, Sirajul Mostafa, Saifuddin, Prof Kamal Uddin Ahmad, Abdul Hai Masum, Dilshad Ahmad, SM Shafi, Khurshid Ali Chowdhury were present there among others.


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